Saturday, May 21, 2016

Education in Chile

Today I will answer some questions about student demand in Chile

1-How do you feel about the educational reform?
the educational reform is necessary but that the government is not trained for carry out for themselves. The educational reform must to be a process that involve all parts affected that is to say that the student participate and decide according to its necessity for correct the lacking of this system educational.

2-How do you think "penguins" have helped in 2006/2011?
the penguins revolution of 2016 and the movement student of 2011 were important incident in the trajectory and story of the movement student that cause great impact in the context national of the country. This demonstrations exposed the conditions deplorables of system education in Chileas never before seen proper the great strenght with the that were organize(protest) the student and all people of the country. This incendent motivate all kinds of social struggles.

3-Do you think student leaders like G Jackson, C Vallejos, G Boric are trying to make a difference for education today?
I think that they are fraud. They get on movement student for obtain its your own profit's. I think that nowaday the basis have been let aside. They the abandoned.These days the leaders or those who are the head of the movement as the FECH not anymore are representatives. Many think they used them to reach a position in the politics.

4-Do you think strikes(paros) and demonstrations(marchas) are the only way to obtain changes?
I think that the strikes and demonstrations not anymore are effectives to obtain changes. Considering that have been made repetitious. Not longer have the same importance as before. In the past the movement student tend to bring together manny people, currently not convene many people as before. Everytime are fewer than involved and participate actively in the strikes and protest (demonstration). With strikes many people stay at home. To them not interested involved in strikes because they are in disagreement with the way in that strikes is carriet out.

 I believe we must devise new methods of intervention to achieve expose the discontent of the current situation that does not harm us only to us .

Friday, May 13, 2016

A place I would like to visit

The truth, I would travel for all the world. I would like to be able to visit many places and I see many things. I meet many people different.  I would like to be able to learn of they, his culture and custom. I would like to be able learn his language, but if now is difficult for me learn English that suppose is more easy, perhaps that be difficult learn others language, but I try to learn.
I would like to be able go over all South America, because I think that the country's that are near in terrain, share many thing in common. Like a story similar, but not identical. In the case of South America share a same language, but clear with his respective differences.

Besides of I would go over South America, I would travel for the sea until the other place, the old world. I would proceed for Europa, a tour short, and I go to Asian. I interest the far Orient or East. I appeal to much attention the country's like India, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, Korea, and many more. I like his story, language, culture, custom, tradition, habit. I give curiosity. Other country that I would visit is Russia. The landscapes that they have to be splendid.

On the other hand, Africa is to continent that I would dedicate an know in for complete.

I not be able to decide for to place in specific for go to, I would go to all place.

Friday, May 6, 2016

My experience of presenting in English

Today I had that presenting in English. I think that was very bad. I confuse all, pronounce bad, leave very short. It was attempt very bad. I attempt to present regarding a my career  "anthropology". Even though prepare the presentation with time, I fail way horrible. I shortage practice more, for I can progress. I hope more early that late.

But other presentation it were very good. Personally I likes the that made classmate of career. The presentation"Marine archaeology" went very nice. The presentation "Anthropology forensic" went very interesting. In general all presentation of my classmate was good. They that make very good.