Friday, November 18, 2016

My favourite Myth

Resultado de imagen para ye gong hao long

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Hello Classmates and Teacher! Today I will write about to myth that I like. Really, I like many myths, in special the Rome and Greece myths, its mythology is fascinate. Also I like the Nordics myths, are fantastic and magical. The African myths are interesting too, are mystic and mysterious. 
However the Myths of Chile I like not much, but I like some myths Latino american, in special the of Amazon. My favourites Myths are of Asia, in special of China. This country possess to ancestral mythology, that has maintain live for thousands of years and dynastic, in spite of the culture change in the last century. In China there are myths that are lesson too, are story's with contents cultural associated with its philosophical movement as "Confucio or Daoismo". The name of this lesson is "Chengyu", my favourite "chengyu" is the of "ye gong hao long" (Lord Ye loves Dragons). This story address about a human that was obsession with the Dragons, He draw dragons in some object, but a day he watched a dragon of truth and he got scared. The Chengyu teach that you have not false thinks about things unknown. The figure Dragon is very important in the Chinese Culture, symbolise protection, power and wisdom, was use for the emperor in its clothing and palace. 
Resultado de imagen para ye gong hao long
Good, is all for today, I hope that you are well and you will have a nice weekend.
Bye bye!   


  1. you really like the myths, I don´t know nothing about it, but I like dragons, and the China culture, but I don´t like the myth.jiji

  2. I really like dragons, they are so incredible, although I have never seen this myth I have seen others from the Middle Ages, but the Chinese culture is wonderful.
