Friday, October 28, 2016

My future Job!

Resultado de imagen para antropologia forense

Resultado de imagen para paleoantropologĂ­a

Hello People! Classmates and Teacher, Today I will talk about my future job. At present I am studying Anthropology in the "University of Chile". I am in second years of the career, until now we have class general of anthropology, include the area of social, archaeology and physic, more social that the others two, and much less physic that the rest. I enter in this university for physic anthropology, I like this area in particular of the anthropology, but I  archaeology is interesting too. In the future I would like word in some areas of the physic anthropology as the anthropology forensic, job in the service medical legal. But also I would like make more things as work of investigation in Paleoanthropology,  that is very fantastic. Besides of this two subareas of the Physic or Bio Anthropology, I call attention the Paleoepidemiology that study of the spread of disease in the past, I consider that is very interesting. 
 Resultado de imagen para paleopatologia
In the future I think that be able to combine the Physic Anthropology with the Archaeology, and make Bio archaeology, also I call attention the Zoo Archaeology. 
Resultado de imagen para paleopatologia
In end, I like make many things, find and identify rest (bones) of modern human and his predecessor of the family Homo and prior. 
Resultado de imagen para paleoantropologĂ­a

Good, is all for today, I hope that you have a nice weekend!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Obsessed with Series!

Resultado de imagen para boku no hero academia 

Hello People! Classmates and Teacher! I will talk about "TV series or soap opera that I obsessed with". Really I not like TV series (TV novels) but I love the series of anime <3 really I like much. I usually look many series the time same, if a series I like much, I will look for all about this (anime, manga, novel, images, poster, key-ring...). At present I am follow the manga of "Boku no Hero Academy", "Magi", "Kuroshitsuji", "Noragami", "Haikyuu", "One piece" "Tokyo Ghoul:re" among others. I like much the anime type shonen, its story of adventure and action, its character and story about they I fascinate. Some of this series out for week and others for month, and I the hopes all the time for can watch. I sometime not be able to hope and I look for the spoiler of the chapter, much time in other language and some in bad scan, but not import I like watch more impulse possible. For this, I think that have a obsessed with the series of anime. I has watched anime almost live, since very little, before the watched in the TV and now the watch in the computer for internet.
Resultado de imagen para one piece
Good, this for today. Bye bye people! I hope you have a nice weekend!
Resultado de imagen para magi 

Friday, October 14, 2016


Resultado de imagen para gato gris rayado
Resultado de imagen para gatos rayados naranjas 

Hello Classmates and Teacher! Today I will talk about Pets! 
I love all Animals, I think that they are beautiful and fascinate. I like much the felines, big or little, I like this fur, leg, among other things, are very adorable. 
Resultado de imagen para gatos rayados naranjasIn my house was have many pets, cats, dogs, fishes, chicken, goose, duck among other. At present have four pets, three cats and one dogs. Before had many cats but they die or lose. 
My sister is owner of  the three cats, are two male and one female. Its name are Juanito, Feroz and Suny. Suny is pregnant, she is for give birth soon. Juanito is white with striped black. Feroz is of grey colour with striped. Sunny is of colour yellow with striped orange. All the cats of my house are striped and short fur. They have some years more of three. I am owner of a puppy of name Juli (Yuli), she is little and of colour Yellow. She is very mischievous, but is very adorable too.  She is very young, have seven month. 
Resultado de imagen para perro rubio
(The of  Images not are my pets but are appear)

I always liked had exotic pets, as spider or snack, but I never had. Nevertheless I had a tortoise c: (But lived little time :'c). 
Resultado de imagen para tarantulaResultado de imagen para serpientes mascotasResultado de imagen para tortugas
My frustrated dream was had a rabbit or rat, but I neither was had.
Resultado de imagen para peces mascota Resultado de imagen para conejo Resultado de imagen para ratones
Bye bye People! I hope your have a good weekend. 

Thursday, October 6, 2016


Hello Classmates and Teacher! Today I will talk about concert, I have gone to much concert in my life, in general dance music of party, but I have gone to concert of heavy rock (moch) and Otaku (in event anime of Japanese music). Some of free artist (stranger) and others famous. These concerts are principally outdoor in a park. Majority a the concert than I have gone have been free and organised for the municipality.  Usually I do not pay attention to in the music, artist or group, while be good I not have problem. One group that usually go to events and than I like is "Conmocion". I usually go with my friend Eve.
Resultado de imagen para Conmocion

One concert than I charm was "Frontera". I went the last year (2015) with my friends Eve and Gabi. Frontera is a concert massive with multiple musicals artists and group in many stage. This it was in the "Club Hippic of Santiago". We were all day, it was very hot and there were many people, but we passed it very good! I like all the artists.

Resultado de imagen para frontera 2015 Resultado de imagen para frontera 2015
Resultado de imagen para concierto frontera 2015

Personally my dream is to go a concert of holograms in Japan, that would be the best concert of my life.
Resultado de imagen para concierto de holograma en japon kagamine 

Bye bye People! I hope you have a good weekend!