Friday, December 16, 2016

English Language Challenges!

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Hello Classmates and Teacher! Today is the last post blogs 2017! The classes in university finish soon and we will leave holidays! 

I hope that you are well! in especially with the end of semester! is very close the end of year and the party's! Christmas and new year, I hope that you have a good time with your family!

The last post of this year is about we future plans regarding English and how at improve  our skill of it. With respect to a my experience learning English in university, I can tell that it has been good. I am lousy with English, but thank to the English classes of the university now I can write, read and understand text in English more or less better than before, but I am still especially hard speak it and listen it, for my bad pronunciation and lack of vocabulary. I have taken all English courses of the university followed, since the level one until four. Whatsoever I liked the most was make post blogs, because has been very fun for learn to write and read in English. This has been useful for me, because in my career we must read many text in English. But I need to practice listen and speak in English, I think that I can improve if practice talking in English with my friends and Classmates, Besides of listen songs and to sing in English, for improve my pronunciation.  This I should do it constantly, because the career, studies and professional field require it. In specially if I would like to study abroad. 

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That's all for this year! I hope that you have a good life! 

Good Bye!
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Friday, December 2, 2016

Changes to My Study Programme

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Hello Classmates and Teacher! Today I am going to write about the changes that I would like to make to my study programme. How do you know, I am study Anthropology in the University of Chile, this career has a duration of five years, two of basic cycle, two of mention and one of degree. I think that are many years of study, in special of basic cycle. I do not think that basic cycle is bad but if that is too long and with a mix of things of all the areas of the Anthropology in special of the mention of Social. Basic cycle is as a guide for the people that do not know that mention they want. But for the people that do know that mention we want is as time of filling. In special for the people that we want the mention of archaeology or physical anthropology. Because basic cycle has few subjects of this two mention, in special of Physical anthropology. I think that should not have basic cycle or that was only one years introductory a the career and the rest year to be of mention. 
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Other thing that I would like to changes in my study programme, would be to add more practical of laboratory and outing a field (terrain), because I think that we have many theoretical classes and few methodological practical and field experience. 
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For last I would like that the University invest more in the improvement of the spaces, laboratory and material (object) of work of the mentions for a better development of the students.
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Good, This is all for today.
I hope that you are well
I hope that you have a nice weekend!

Pd: I hate the obligatory extracurricular subjects as a requirement for the obtaining of the qualification

Friday, November 25, 2016

Summer Holidays!

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Hello! Classmates and Teacher, Today I will write about this Summer Holidays 2017! ¿Where will I  go and with whom? This Summer, specifically in February I will travel to Ecuador! namely to Guayaquil, that is a city coastal. This trip is a long story, in the first place: Do you know that My boyfriend is Ecuadorian? Good, He travelled to Chile with his Family when He was very youngster, He has lived almost your whole life in Chile. He and I, we met in the secondary school and recently we fulfil four years of dating. Good, what happens is that my boyfriend have five brothers, three big brothers and one little brother. One of his big brothers going to get marry, He and his Girlfriend are from Ecuador, but that they will marry there. We know each other since a while ago and the Bride invited me as a maid of honour a the wedding. Obviously all the family of my boyfriend will go too. I am very touched and excited, this is the first time that I travel out of country and is the first time that I will go up to an air-plane, I am a little scared, The ticket are already bought.  We will be whole the month out, is much time out of my house, I will miss a my family. But this is an adventure fascinate, I will go a enjoy, stroll, know much and to take many photos! We will have very well! I only hope I do not die with the hot, long-legged and the height. 
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I hope that you are well and you have a nice weekend.
Bye bye!  
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Friday, November 18, 2016

My favourite Myth

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Hello Classmates and Teacher! Today I will write about to myth that I like. Really, I like many myths, in special the Rome and Greece myths, its mythology is fascinate. Also I like the Nordics myths, are fantastic and magical. The African myths are interesting too, are mystic and mysterious. 
However the Myths of Chile I like not much, but I like some myths Latino american, in special the of Amazon. My favourites Myths are of Asia, in special of China. This country possess to ancestral mythology, that has maintain live for thousands of years and dynastic, in spite of the culture change in the last century. In China there are myths that are lesson too, are story's with contents cultural associated with its philosophical movement as "Confucio or Daoismo". The name of this lesson is "Chengyu", my favourite "chengyu" is the of "ye gong hao long" (Lord Ye loves Dragons). This story address about a human that was obsession with the Dragons, He draw dragons in some object, but a day he watched a dragon of truth and he got scared. The Chengyu teach that you have not false thinks about things unknown. The figure Dragon is very important in the Chinese Culture, symbolise protection, power and wisdom, was use for the emperor in its clothing and palace. 
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Good, is all for today, I hope that you are well and you will have a nice weekend.
Bye bye!   

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Post graduate studies!

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Hello Classmates and Teacher
I could not write last week, because I was in to field in Concepcion, without internet. And week I Have not time for write, sorry, but I am Back.
Today I will tell about a post graduate studies that I would like to do in the future. I would like to do many post graduate studies, master and doctorate. Because to have them will help me in the work competence. I think in to have  good mark, to aim for scholarship of post graduate studies or I work and collect money for pay them, but the post graduate are very expensive with little capacity and very fought.  I would like to study in the abroad. In Mexico and Spain, but also I might that I will study in Peru or Germany. Is early think in country of language in Spanish for study or Country of English language, but think in will go to Germany is a challenge for its language and Culture, also for the long distance from here. Study outside of Chile it must be to adventure fascinante, but for the time very alone, far of house and family, very sad. I would like specialise in forensic anthropology, paleo anthropology and bio archaeology.
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Good, this is all for today, I hope that you are well and you have a nice weekend. Good Bye!

Friday, October 28, 2016

My future Job!

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Hello People! Classmates and Teacher, Today I will talk about my future job. At present I am studying Anthropology in the "University of Chile". I am in second years of the career, until now we have class general of anthropology, include the area of social, archaeology and physic, more social that the others two, and much less physic that the rest. I enter in this university for physic anthropology, I like this area in particular of the anthropology, but I  archaeology is interesting too. In the future I would like word in some areas of the physic anthropology as the anthropology forensic, job in the service medical legal. But also I would like make more things as work of investigation in Paleoanthropology,  that is very fantastic. Besides of this two subareas of the Physic or Bio Anthropology, I call attention the Paleoepidemiology that study of the spread of disease in the past, I consider that is very interesting. 
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In the future I think that be able to combine the Physic Anthropology with the Archaeology, and make Bio archaeology, also I call attention the Zoo Archaeology. 
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In end, I like make many things, find and identify rest (bones) of modern human and his predecessor of the family Homo and prior. 
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Good, is all for today, I hope that you have a nice weekend!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Obsessed with Series!

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Hello People! Classmates and Teacher! I will talk about "TV series or soap opera that I obsessed with". Really I not like TV series (TV novels) but I love the series of anime <3 really I like much. I usually look many series the time same, if a series I like much, I will look for all about this (anime, manga, novel, images, poster, key-ring...). At present I am follow the manga of "Boku no Hero Academy", "Magi", "Kuroshitsuji", "Noragami", "Haikyuu", "One piece" "Tokyo Ghoul:re" among others. I like much the anime type shonen, its story of adventure and action, its character and story about they I fascinate. Some of this series out for week and others for month, and I the hopes all the time for can watch. I sometime not be able to hope and I look for the spoiler of the chapter, much time in other language and some in bad scan, but not import I like watch more impulse possible. For this, I think that have a obsessed with the series of anime. I has watched anime almost live, since very little, before the watched in the TV and now the watch in the computer for internet.
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Good, this for today. Bye bye people! I hope you have a nice weekend!
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