Sunday, June 5, 2016

Knowing Santiago, Chile.

Hello people! Today I will talk a little of the city of Santiago. Santiago is the capital city or main city of Chile and capital regional city of the region Metropolitana. Although this may sound very ugly. Because Chile is a country very centralist. "Santiago is not Chile" Is a phrase very popular than in a certain way represent a little the current situation of conflict and chaos existing in the bad administration the of government Chilean. Which it has only caused instability and abandonment of several towns in the country. This is an aspect very bad of Chile. But not all is so horrible, Santiago have its good things too. For example, you can find a great variety of panoramas and activity that you can do. Always happen interesting things. Although some events are dangerous, as certain places if you do not know the sector. I have lived all my life in Santiago, I know him quite well. I have dedicated myself to know Santiago through of all  the subway lines and buses that are close to me. I think than the best way of know to new place is lose in him for learn to locate in that place. I have strolled for many places of Santiago, sometimes I have strolled many for the same place, sometimes  only, other time with friends, sometimes with the same people, other with new people. I have taken many photos of memories. The city always is change, there is always something new to see. It never stays the same. Santiago may not be the best city in the world, but it is where I live. While there are many reasons to hate him, there are also other to appreciate it. Santiago usually is contaminate, its air is of black colour because has a lot smog, is like to cloud thicken over of Santiago. This can be an ugly day view. But after of to good rain, the landscape is completely clear. You can see the beautiful mountain range of the Andes filled with of snow. There up with the cold snow. Not is something than we see all the days, is specially because lasts very little time. The people of Santiago make the most of take a photo. I think that's very cute. The bad is that when rain in Santiago, this is flooded, because Santiago have to very bad public drainage system. I think than should fix that.
If you visit Santiago, I recommend take a tour in the bus "210". Its bus know as "Tren santiago" traverse from the "High bridge square" until "central station". Its like a tour of the southern periphery to the centre of Santiago. My favourite parts of this tour are: Square Italy in Baquedano, GAM (Gabriela mistral centre), Central House of University of Chile and University Católica, Hill "St. Lucia", The national library, commercial centre "Meiggs", University of Santiago and planetary, among others.


  1. Hi Yerka. I love Santiago when it´s raining but like you say it´s terrible for the city :C it´s a shame
