Friday, December 16, 2016

English Language Challenges!

Resultado de imagen para imagenes aprendiendo ingles

Hello Classmates and Teacher! Today is the last post blogs 2017! The classes in university finish soon and we will leave holidays! 

I hope that you are well! in especially with the end of semester! is very close the end of year and the party's! Christmas and new year, I hope that you have a good time with your family!

The last post of this year is about we future plans regarding English and how at improve  our skill of it. With respect to a my experience learning English in university, I can tell that it has been good. I am lousy with English, but thank to the English classes of the university now I can write, read and understand text in English more or less better than before, but I am still especially hard speak it and listen it, for my bad pronunciation and lack of vocabulary. I have taken all English courses of the university followed, since the level one until four. Whatsoever I liked the most was make post blogs, because has been very fun for learn to write and read in English. This has been useful for me, because in my career we must read many text in English. But I need to practice listen and speak in English, I think that I can improve if practice talking in English with my friends and Classmates, Besides of listen songs and to sing in English, for improve my pronunciation.  This I should do it constantly, because the career, studies and professional field require it. In specially if I would like to study abroad. 

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That's all for this year! I hope that you have a good life! 

Good Bye!
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Friday, December 2, 2016

Changes to My Study Programme

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Hello Classmates and Teacher! Today I am going to write about the changes that I would like to make to my study programme. How do you know, I am study Anthropology in the University of Chile, this career has a duration of five years, two of basic cycle, two of mention and one of degree. I think that are many years of study, in special of basic cycle. I do not think that basic cycle is bad but if that is too long and with a mix of things of all the areas of the Anthropology in special of the mention of Social. Basic cycle is as a guide for the people that do not know that mention they want. But for the people that do know that mention we want is as time of filling. In special for the people that we want the mention of archaeology or physical anthropology. Because basic cycle has few subjects of this two mention, in special of Physical anthropology. I think that should not have basic cycle or that was only one years introductory a the career and the rest year to be of mention. 
Resultado de imagen para Malla antropologia uchile en ingles
Other thing that I would like to changes in my study programme, would be to add more practical of laboratory and outing a field (terrain), because I think that we have many theoretical classes and few methodological practical and field experience. 
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For last I would like that the University invest more in the improvement of the spaces, laboratory and material (object) of work of the mentions for a better development of the students.
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Good, This is all for today.
I hope that you are well
I hope that you have a nice weekend!

Pd: I hate the obligatory extracurricular subjects as a requirement for the obtaining of the qualification

Friday, November 25, 2016

Summer Holidays!

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Resultado de imagen para ecuador bandera

Hello! Classmates and Teacher, Today I will write about this Summer Holidays 2017! ¿Where will I  go and with whom? This Summer, specifically in February I will travel to Ecuador! namely to Guayaquil, that is a city coastal. This trip is a long story, in the first place: Do you know that My boyfriend is Ecuadorian? Good, He travelled to Chile with his Family when He was very youngster, He has lived almost your whole life in Chile. He and I, we met in the secondary school and recently we fulfil four years of dating. Good, what happens is that my boyfriend have five brothers, three big brothers and one little brother. One of his big brothers going to get marry, He and his Girlfriend are from Ecuador, but that they will marry there. We know each other since a while ago and the Bride invited me as a maid of honour a the wedding. Obviously all the family of my boyfriend will go too. I am very touched and excited, this is the first time that I travel out of country and is the first time that I will go up to an air-plane, I am a little scared, The ticket are already bought.  We will be whole the month out, is much time out of my house, I will miss a my family. But this is an adventure fascinate, I will go a enjoy, stroll, know much and to take many photos! We will have very well! I only hope I do not die with the hot, long-legged and the height. 
Resultado de imagen para guayaquil
I hope that you are well and you have a nice weekend.
Bye bye!  
Resultado de imagen para guayaquil

Friday, November 18, 2016

My favourite Myth

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Hello Classmates and Teacher! Today I will write about to myth that I like. Really, I like many myths, in special the Rome and Greece myths, its mythology is fascinate. Also I like the Nordics myths, are fantastic and magical. The African myths are interesting too, are mystic and mysterious. 
However the Myths of Chile I like not much, but I like some myths Latino american, in special the of Amazon. My favourites Myths are of Asia, in special of China. This country possess to ancestral mythology, that has maintain live for thousands of years and dynastic, in spite of the culture change in the last century. In China there are myths that are lesson too, are story's with contents cultural associated with its philosophical movement as "Confucio or Daoismo". The name of this lesson is "Chengyu", my favourite "chengyu" is the of "ye gong hao long" (Lord Ye loves Dragons). This story address about a human that was obsession with the Dragons, He draw dragons in some object, but a day he watched a dragon of truth and he got scared. The Chengyu teach that you have not false thinks about things unknown. The figure Dragon is very important in the Chinese Culture, symbolise protection, power and wisdom, was use for the emperor in its clothing and palace. 
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Good, is all for today, I hope that you are well and you will have a nice weekend.
Bye bye!   

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Post graduate studies!

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Hello Classmates and Teacher
I could not write last week, because I was in to field in Concepcion, without internet. And week I Have not time for write, sorry, but I am Back.
Today I will tell about a post graduate studies that I would like to do in the future. I would like to do many post graduate studies, master and doctorate. Because to have them will help me in the work competence. I think in to have  good mark, to aim for scholarship of post graduate studies or I work and collect money for pay them, but the post graduate are very expensive with little capacity and very fought.  I would like to study in the abroad. In Mexico and Spain, but also I might that I will study in Peru or Germany. Is early think in country of language in Spanish for study or Country of English language, but think in will go to Germany is a challenge for its language and Culture, also for the long distance from here. Study outside of Chile it must be to adventure fascinante, but for the time very alone, far of house and family, very sad. I would like specialise in forensic anthropology, paleo anthropology and bio archaeology.
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Good, this is all for today, I hope that you are well and you have a nice weekend. Good Bye!

Friday, October 28, 2016

My future Job!

Resultado de imagen para antropologia forense

Resultado de imagen para paleoantropología

Hello People! Classmates and Teacher, Today I will talk about my future job. At present I am studying Anthropology in the "University of Chile". I am in second years of the career, until now we have class general of anthropology, include the area of social, archaeology and physic, more social that the others two, and much less physic that the rest. I enter in this university for physic anthropology, I like this area in particular of the anthropology, but I  archaeology is interesting too. In the future I would like word in some areas of the physic anthropology as the anthropology forensic, job in the service medical legal. But also I would like make more things as work of investigation in Paleoanthropology,  that is very fantastic. Besides of this two subareas of the Physic or Bio Anthropology, I call attention the Paleoepidemiology that study of the spread of disease in the past, I consider that is very interesting. 
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In the future I think that be able to combine the Physic Anthropology with the Archaeology, and make Bio archaeology, also I call attention the Zoo Archaeology. 
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In end, I like make many things, find and identify rest (bones) of modern human and his predecessor of the family Homo and prior. 
Resultado de imagen para paleoantropología

Good, is all for today, I hope that you have a nice weekend!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Obsessed with Series!

Resultado de imagen para boku no hero academia 

Hello People! Classmates and Teacher! I will talk about "TV series or soap opera that I obsessed with". Really I not like TV series (TV novels) but I love the series of anime <3 really I like much. I usually look many series the time same, if a series I like much, I will look for all about this (anime, manga, novel, images, poster, key-ring...). At present I am follow the manga of "Boku no Hero Academy", "Magi", "Kuroshitsuji", "Noragami", "Haikyuu", "One piece" "Tokyo Ghoul:re" among others. I like much the anime type shonen, its story of adventure and action, its character and story about they I fascinate. Some of this series out for week and others for month, and I the hopes all the time for can watch. I sometime not be able to hope and I look for the spoiler of the chapter, much time in other language and some in bad scan, but not import I like watch more impulse possible. For this, I think that have a obsessed with the series of anime. I has watched anime almost live, since very little, before the watched in the TV and now the watch in the computer for internet.
Resultado de imagen para one piece
Good, this for today. Bye bye people! I hope you have a nice weekend!
Resultado de imagen para magi 

Friday, October 14, 2016


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Resultado de imagen para gatos rayados naranjas 

Hello Classmates and Teacher! Today I will talk about Pets! 
I love all Animals, I think that they are beautiful and fascinate. I like much the felines, big or little, I like this fur, leg, among other things, are very adorable. 
Resultado de imagen para gatos rayados naranjasIn my house was have many pets, cats, dogs, fishes, chicken, goose, duck among other. At present have four pets, three cats and one dogs. Before had many cats but they die or lose. 
My sister is owner of  the three cats, are two male and one female. Its name are Juanito, Feroz and Suny. Suny is pregnant, she is for give birth soon. Juanito is white with striped black. Feroz is of grey colour with striped. Sunny is of colour yellow with striped orange. All the cats of my house are striped and short fur. They have some years more of three. I am owner of a puppy of name Juli (Yuli), she is little and of colour Yellow. She is very mischievous, but is very adorable too.  She is very young, have seven month. 
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(The of  Images not are my pets but are appear)

I always liked had exotic pets, as spider or snack, but I never had. Nevertheless I had a tortoise c: (But lived little time :'c). 
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My frustrated dream was had a rabbit or rat, but I neither was had.
Resultado de imagen para peces mascota Resultado de imagen para conejo Resultado de imagen para ratones
Bye bye People! I hope your have a good weekend. 

Thursday, October 6, 2016


Hello Classmates and Teacher! Today I will talk about concert, I have gone to much concert in my life, in general dance music of party, but I have gone to concert of heavy rock (moch) and Otaku (in event anime of Japanese music). Some of free artist (stranger) and others famous. These concerts are principally outdoor in a park. Majority a the concert than I have gone have been free and organised for the municipality.  Usually I do not pay attention to in the music, artist or group, while be good I not have problem. One group that usually go to events and than I like is "Conmocion". I usually go with my friend Eve.
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One concert than I charm was "Frontera". I went the last year (2015) with my friends Eve and Gabi. Frontera is a concert massive with multiple musicals artists and group in many stage. This it was in the "Club Hippic of Santiago". We were all day, it was very hot and there were many people, but we passed it very good! I like all the artists.

Resultado de imagen para frontera 2015 Resultado de imagen para frontera 2015
Resultado de imagen para concierto frontera 2015

Personally my dream is to go a concert of holograms in Japan, that would be the best concert of my life.
Resultado de imagen para concierto de holograma en japon kagamine 

Bye bye People! I hope you have a good weekend!

Friday, September 30, 2016

East Asia: China!

Hello Classmates! Today I will talk about a country that would like to visit. How you know I would love be able to travel for all the world, but that require a lot of money and I am poor. Nevertheless if I had to choose a country  to which go, would be China. Why? Because since forever has fascinated me their culture, language, world view and history. China is very ancient, have much years of history millennial interesting. How country has lived epochs, wars and revolutions crucial in their history. China has had good and bad moments in their millennium of existence. At present is a big power global.
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I would like to visit their main cities as Shanghai and Beijing which is the capital city of China. These two cities are big tourist place, Shanghai is one of the most commercial harbors in the country and is the capital economic of China. Beijing has a invaluable historic value, as power center has had historic moments of real importance for the country. In Beijing there are some tourist place as "the prohibited city", in it is "The Chinese imperial palace" that nowadays is a museum.
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The panorama of light of building in Shanghai is beautiful.  

I think that be able to visit is country should be an experience unforgettable. I would like witness a new year Chinese.

Monday, July 11, 2016


Hello People! how are you? I hope than you are well.
Today I will speak in relation to topic the of environment and ours carbon footprint and as we can think of way ecologically friendly with the environment.

I think than for I can be ecologically friendly with the environment there were that consider many things as the cost energy, resources renewable, everyday habits.

My carbon footprint is about 215.41 metric tons, is 11.25 metric tons per year. In Chile the average carbon footprint of a person is 3.87. I am above the average of my country that is very bad.

I think that help the planet is work of all. We could reduce my energy consumption in the house, not use electrical appliance that have a negative effect on the environment as the water waste, contamination the of air for aerosols and contamination of the land for litter. we should use cloth bags and we not use plastic bags, we should separate the litter and recycle, we should avoid the product that make harm the environment and we should use product biodegradable as alternative fuels.

We should be more ecological, plant trees and make orchards! You litter can be fertiliser!

Good! Bye bye people! Nice Week!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Planning a trip to London

Hello People! How are you? I hope that you are well c:
Today in class we were simulating a planning of a trip to London.
Honestly I will not travel to London, really I will not travel to any country of English-Speaking. Why? Because I have many own personal reasons. But If I will travel to London would go to its museums, its museums are very interesting. The museums that more I like or called my attention were the "Natural History Museum" and "The British Museum". We had that revise the online pages or web site of  these tourist places. I had that look the schedule of attention for visitors during the week (opening and close), price, location and how arrive from the tube station nearest. The exhibitions of the museum called my attention. In the Natural History Museum there are "dinosaurs" (:ooooo/emoticon touched/ Smiley Face :D), They have a "Dinosaurs Gallery" with a "T. Rex" and "Deinonychus", I would go only for see them! <3 :3. The Natural History Museum is open daily 10:00 - 17:50 and the admission is free but not all the exhibition are not free. In The British Museum there are many exhibitions very interesting as the exhibition of "Sunken Cities Egypt's Lost Worlds" I really want much go but the poverty!  there is no money :'c. The British Museum is open daily 10:00 - 17:30 and the Friday until 20:00 is free but the exhibitions are not free :'c,  "Sunken Cities Egypt's Lost Worlds"cost £ 16.50 that in Chilean peso is 14.206,61 (uwu).
Good! Bye Bye People! Nice Week! (Little Face :*)


My passions together <3 (Dinosaurs, Bones, Culture)

Saturday, June 25, 2016

A film that I like? There are many but...

Hello People! Today I will talk of a film... Eh, which it is difficult... Why? Because I am not very good for watch film... I like more watch series (anime... for a change), but I like the film animated of pictures (infantile). The film of reality than I like are of war, terror, mythological, magic, documentary, perturbing, action, adventure, science fiction among other. But I hate the film romantic! or the film of school gringa... I hate... I not know nothing of actors or directors, I not interested. (are all ugly! :p).
Mmm... If I had that decide of that film talk today could be of "Jurassic Park (I,II,III, World)" than I love!... Good, this film (are a saga) be about of dinosaur :o. The story the of film carry out in a park, where the director (owner) with a team a scientists bring of back to the life to the dinosaurs through of an investigation and experiment genetic, associated with mosquitos (I will not give more details). I like much the four films, but "The lost World" Jurassic Park II  is my favourite <3 Why? Is in the that most people eat... xD :P and Jurassic World is very crazy but I like because appear "Mosasaur" <3 (I like because not is usual than appear dinosaurs marine in this film, almost always are dinosaurs land or flying). 
The film is directed by Steven Spielberg, is a film of U.S, is of adventure... The first film it premiere in 1993 and the most recent in 2015. I liked the actors of the first three films, in the last film changed the original actors (for the time, they are old). My characters favourite of the first saga and actor are Sam Neill (Alan Grant), Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern) and Ian Malcom (Jeff Goldblum).
The than best I like about the film is its tension and storyline with Dinosaurs :o *-* <3.

Trailer of all the films

Mosasaur is the law lml
Okey in the film he is exaggerated... He was not so big uwu.

Bye bye people!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Music Favourite?

Hi people! Today I will speak about the music than I like. Really I have not a type music, band or singer favourite, many times I listen to anything (music, song) without know even his name. But I like some type music more than others, for example I listen much music of type epic that is often only melody (sountrack, ost of movie or video games). I like the rhythm busy and fast in the music to be thunderous I not like the music slow although I listen of  all type of music nevertheless I listen much more music of anime (opening, ending) than others type of music. An example of the japanese music that I like than is more well-know is of "Vocaloid" but I prefer "Utaloid" of  "Nico Nico" (I will not explain) of the which my favourite interpreter of the song saga is "Mafu mafu" of the which My favourite song is " The hanged girl in the haunted house" (I believe than I like the dark music xD) I like very much the rhythm, the story and lyrics of this song the video is very good and a litlle dark. This song also is interpret for "Gumi" (vocaloid) she usually interpret sad songs, but my favourite vocaloid is "IA". I like listen different interpretation of a same song I like the interpretations combine of some artist (singer or interpret) as the of nico nico chorus or douga for this song. Regrettably this song have not a good interpretation (fandub) in spanish. Version MafuMafu Version Nico Version Gumi    


But not all is japanese music, also I listen other music in other language as in english (I listen litlle music in spanish). A band than I like and sing in english but not is of a county of language English is "Sonata Arctica" than is a band Finnish. My favourites song of this group are "San sebastian" and "Ain't your Fairytail" of this latter song I like to video (amv) of the serie "Wolf Rain": Than is very good.  "San sebastian"

I hope you like the songs c:
Bye Bye people

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

My interests

Hello people! 

This topic I will revive memories of all my broken dreams for my life. Where to start? or since when?. The first thing I remember is than when I was in the basic, I danced ballet. My story with the ballet was very tragic, good it was for that time. I broke my arm, I fell of a hill. I could not dance in the presentation of the dance, it was very sad. When I recovered of my lesion, I tried again to dance ballet but the destiny had other plans for me, again I break my arm and even worse the same arm, my right arm, this time I fell in my house. I never tried again to dance ballet. Until today is something that I makes very sad and I regret but I would not try learn now than I'm more older I think it's something that it does of small or not done. I had like six-seven when step. 
A story apart of this sad fact of my life, was when I wanted to play basketball, my parents put a hoop in the yard and I had my ball of basketball, sadly was not an interest that lasted long.
Something that I always did of small was invent stories, I wrote short stories that delivered to my head teacher of the course she was like a second mom for me. Until today I try to remember well of that try stories for resume the stories. I know that tried of a sunflower called Mari, the story was to tale children's of a magical garden with plants that speak and they have a human behaviour. Something curious is that today my little sister called Maria and I tell her "Mary"... "The life give many laps".
In the last years I tried to learn to play the piano, but I have not talent for music.
But something that I made my whole life has been drawing it's my passion if I had been Japanese I would have loved to be "Mangaka", draw and write my own manga.

Bye bye people!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Knowing Santiago, Chile.

Hello people! Today I will talk a little of the city of Santiago. Santiago is the capital city or main city of Chile and capital regional city of the region Metropolitana. Although this may sound very ugly. Because Chile is a country very centralist. "Santiago is not Chile" Is a phrase very popular than in a certain way represent a little the current situation of conflict and chaos existing in the bad administration the of government Chilean. Which it has only caused instability and abandonment of several towns in the country. This is an aspect very bad of Chile. But not all is so horrible, Santiago have its good things too. For example, you can find a great variety of panoramas and activity that you can do. Always happen interesting things. Although some events are dangerous, as certain places if you do not know the sector. I have lived all my life in Santiago, I know him quite well. I have dedicated myself to know Santiago through of all  the subway lines and buses that are close to me. I think than the best way of know to new place is lose in him for learn to locate in that place. I have strolled for many places of Santiago, sometimes I have strolled many for the same place, sometimes  only, other time with friends, sometimes with the same people, other with new people. I have taken many photos of memories. The city always is change, there is always something new to see. It never stays the same. Santiago may not be the best city in the world, but it is where I live. While there are many reasons to hate him, there are also other to appreciate it. Santiago usually is contaminate, its air is of black colour because has a lot smog, is like to cloud thicken over of Santiago. This can be an ugly day view. But after of to good rain, the landscape is completely clear. You can see the beautiful mountain range of the Andes filled with of snow. There up with the cold snow. Not is something than we see all the days, is specially because lasts very little time. The people of Santiago make the most of take a photo. I think that's very cute. The bad is that when rain in Santiago, this is flooded, because Santiago have to very bad public drainage system. I think than should fix that.
If you visit Santiago, I recommend take a tour in the bus "210". Its bus know as "Tren santiago" traverse from the "High bridge square" until "central station". Its like a tour of the southern periphery to the centre of Santiago. My favourite parts of this tour are: Square Italy in Baquedano, GAM (Gabriela mistral centre), Central House of University of Chile and University Católica, Hill "St. Lucia", The national library, commercial centre "Meiggs", University of Santiago and planetary, among others.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

My career

Hello people, today I will tell you a little more about me. During my life I have wanted to do or study many things very different.  Between them have  studied law, gastronomy, paleontology among others. 
Paleontology was something that I wanted to do when I was little because I really liked dinosaurs. But that career was not in Chile. 
I always liked to cook. So I thought to study it once, but i did not. 
In my stage more contentious I wanted to study law, but happen time discard the idea for fear.
I had the idea more than ever to write texts, short stories and children's stories. In the future perhaps write about things of what I am studying  now. 
As you know, I am studying anthropology and I would like to go to physical anthropology. Bio anthropology is the reason of that I study anthropology. It's the area that more I like of this  career. Because is fascinating all the ways in the which one can perform within of this area and that are all connected.
I think that no matter what one studies, one can contribute to the society of much different ways. From the area that interests me, I think that may be more to contribution academic of knowledge. Motivate the interest to learn. For the love of knowledge.
The tool that I will need like professional in my area in the future would a lot experience, having read and researched. Having a good laboratory, that have a lot material with which can work. Also not just stay in the place where this, if not go out.
In this moment my favourite  subject is EAF (elements of physical anthropology). Because it's one of the classes that we have than more approach the area that interest me. This subject us teach many important things about the physical anthropology. It is very practical because we go to the laboratory and we are with the material there. It is not just a theoretical subject. Besides the teacher Nicolas Montalva is very good instructor.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Education in Chile

Today I will answer some questions about student demand in Chile

1-How do you feel about the educational reform?
the educational reform is necessary but that the government is not trained for carry out for themselves. The educational reform must to be a process that involve all parts affected that is to say that the student participate and decide according to its necessity for correct the lacking of this system educational.

2-How do you think "penguins" have helped in 2006/2011?
the penguins revolution of 2016 and the movement student of 2011 were important incident in the trajectory and story of the movement student that cause great impact in the context national of the country. This demonstrations exposed the conditions deplorables of system education in Chileas never before seen proper the great strenght with the that were organize(protest) the student and all people of the country. This incendent motivate all kinds of social struggles.

3-Do you think student leaders like G Jackson, C Vallejos, G Boric are trying to make a difference for education today?
I think that they are fraud. They get on movement student for obtain its your own profit's. I think that nowaday the basis have been let aside. They the abandoned.These days the leaders or those who are the head of the movement as the FECH not anymore are representatives. Many think they used them to reach a position in the politics.

4-Do you think strikes(paros) and demonstrations(marchas) are the only way to obtain changes?
I think that the strikes and demonstrations not anymore are effectives to obtain changes. Considering that have been made repetitious. Not longer have the same importance as before. In the past the movement student tend to bring together manny people, currently not convene many people as before. Everytime are fewer than involved and participate actively in the strikes and protest (demonstration). With strikes many people stay at home. To them not interested involved in strikes because they are in disagreement with the way in that strikes is carriet out.

 I believe we must devise new methods of intervention to achieve expose the discontent of the current situation that does not harm us only to us .

Friday, May 13, 2016

A place I would like to visit

The truth, I would travel for all the world. I would like to be able to visit many places and I see many things. I meet many people different.  I would like to be able to learn of they, his culture and custom. I would like to be able learn his language, but if now is difficult for me learn English that suppose is more easy, perhaps that be difficult learn others language, but I try to learn.
I would like to be able go over all South America, because I think that the country's that are near in terrain, share many thing in common. Like a story similar, but not identical. In the case of South America share a same language, but clear with his respective differences.

Besides of I would go over South America, I would travel for the sea until the other place, the old world. I would proceed for Europa, a tour short, and I go to Asian. I interest the far Orient or East. I appeal to much attention the country's like India, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, Korea, and many more. I like his story, language, culture, custom, tradition, habit. I give curiosity. Other country that I would visit is Russia. The landscapes that they have to be splendid.

On the other hand, Africa is to continent that I would dedicate an know in for complete.

I not be able to decide for to place in specific for go to, I would go to all place.

Friday, May 6, 2016

My experience of presenting in English

Today I had that presenting in English. I think that was very bad. I confuse all, pronounce bad, leave very short. It was attempt very bad. I attempt to present regarding a my career  "anthropology". Even though prepare the presentation with time, I fail way horrible. I shortage practice more, for I can progress. I hope more early that late.

But other presentation it were very good. Personally I likes the that made classmate of career. The presentation"Marine archaeology" went very nice. The presentation "Anthropology forensic" went very interesting. In general all presentation of my classmate was good. They that make very good.

Friday, April 29, 2016


Hello, today I speak about of my favorite piece of Technology.
My camera:
I got it my camera in the Christmas of 2014, my mother and father, us give two cameras, to sister and me, one for each one. Each camera have your own case. The case camera of sister is black color, and my case camera is Grey. The camera is to semi-camera professional, not is big, is small and slim. Is very light, comfortable and practical of carry. I carried the camera in the pocket of vest. Besides of be very good, function excellent. 

I long have used all time. Carried the camera with me to all places, to school, of stroll and travel. Never could lack. I liked much get photos, and get many photos. I like treasure a memory's. I have photos of all family me, too I have of many friends, and especially I have photos of my boyfriend with me. I have photos that be very important for me. It's be of moment's specials and unique's. As the graduation of sisters, boyfriend and me. Moments that no return to repeat

My life without camera me, would be very sad. Because is the unique way for preserve moments important for me, besides of the memory, the whom can fail.

Good Bye!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Unit 3: Tools of the trade

Activity 1: Mission 1: Look for a desktop computer.
I had trouble for find a good computer, it was difficult to make the decision. Because there were not many good desktop computer. There are many mini computer and netbook, but few desk top computer. I choose desktop computer Windows 7, brand name Intel Celeron, of 4GB. It is computer cost US $579.00 . 

Mission 2:  Look for a computer desk.

Again, I had trouble for found a computer desk. All were ugly. Only one caught my attention: "Standing desk home desktop computer desk can lift mobile workstations". Cost US $145.00
Standing desk home desktop computer desk can lift mobile workstations(China (Mainland))

Activity 2:

Internet quiz:

Total Question(s): 10
Question(s) Answered: 10
Correct Answer(s): 7 (1,2,3,5,7,9.10)

Incorrect Answer(s): 3 (4.6.8)

Internet addict: The questions are very strange's. I obtained 31 points: MILD 31- 49 points: You are an average online user. You may surf the Web a bit too long at times, but you have control over your usage.

Activity 3: I made two attempts. In the first obtain 66% and the second obtain 94%. I lost points for the two attempts

Activity 4: Article: 10 Misconceptions About GMOs

1. Why did you select the article? Because it was the article that caught my attention.

2. Did you find enough information in the article? No, It is very short and shortage information

Did you find the info you were looking for? more or less

3. What was the most interesting thing you learnt about it?  United States haven't regulation about GMO. While Europa if you have regulation on GMO

4. Make a list of 15 words from the article that you found difficult to understand. Find their meaning.

  • Engineered: ​Designed and ​built using scientific ​principlesCommercial Intertech Corp. is a ​manufacturer of engineered ​productsThis is a precision engineered ​component, ​manufactured to the ​highest ​standards. See also genetically engineered
  • Misconceptions: An ​idea that is ​wrong because it has been ​based on a ​failureto ​understand a ​situationWe ​hope ​our ​work will ​help to ​change popular misconceptionsabout ​disabled ​people. [+ that] I'd like to ​clear up the common misconception that ​olderworkers don't ​know how to use ​technology
  • breakthrough: An instance of achieving success in a particular sphere or activity
  • yields: Produce or provide (a natural, agricultural, or industrial product)
  • developing:  (often as adjective developing) (Of a poor agricultural country) become more economically and socially advanced
  • banish: Send (someone) away from a country or place as an official punishment
  • nightmarish: Of the nature of a nightmare; very frightening or unpleasant
  • environment: The natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area, especially as affected by human activity
  • amok:Behave uncontrollably and disruptively
  • risks: A situation involving exposure to danger
  • farmland: an area of landincluding buildings, used for growing crops,breeding and keeping cows, sheep, pigs
  • bumper:North American A shock-absorbing piston projecting from a cross-beam at the end of a railway track or at the end of a railway vehicle
  • crops: A cultivated plant that is grown as food, especially a grain, fruit, or vegetable
  • behind: at or towards the back of
  • Council:An advisory, deliberative, or legislative body of people formally constituted and meeting regularly